



PLUCKY is a bioregional campus where we produce our food we bring people together and uplift the mood coz we are clued: If we regenerate the youth we become bullet-proof! We talk about what matters smarter together than scattered. We turn off our televisions, move past our collisions, make our own decisions and co-create our collective visions! We confront adversity, fuelled by connection and diversity empowered by tools like Sociocracy. Community means unity, Your vibe attracts your tribe, We are the makers of our own reality, These are the beliefs to which we subscribe. We discover our bioregion’s wealth, recognising every opportunity, we are resilient and in better health, because we interconnect our community! Our skills plus our community’s needs equal community projects. Our passions are the bees that pollinate our prospects. Permaculture is our guide, so the rubbish we find we re-create and re-define. For the people we care and also for the earth, fairly we share and create our worth.

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